At the four Universities in Norway there are many museums and collections
that contain information on a wide range of aspects of Norwegian language and culture.
The Viking Ship Museum at Bygdøy, Oslo, and the historical museums and the museums
of natural history in Bergen, Oslo, Trondheim, and Tromsø are well-known. However,
there are other, less well-known collections that are comprehensive and important. Some of
these are: Norsk Folkeminnesamling (the Norwegian Collection of Folklore), Norsk
folkemusikksamling (the Norwegian Collection of Folk Music), Myntkabinettet (the Collection
of Coins and Medals), Runearkivet (The Runes Archives), and large collections of place names
and other aspects of the Norwegian language.
The links in bold will take you to information in English, whereas links in plain text will take you to the archives, which in general are in Norwegian.
Updated September 21st, 1998 by Andreas Østby.