(Dictionary of Shona)



mupepeti (editor):

H. Chimhundu


( published by the )

Department of African Languages and Literature
Yunivhesiti yeZimbabwe

(Paper edition published by)
neCollege Press, Harare


Ndiani akanyora Duramazwi ReChiShona? (Who made the DRC?)
Nhuriro Duramazwi ReChiShona (Foreword)
Rutendo (Acknowledgments)
Chikumbiro chevanyori (Request to the Public)
Mazwi okuvamba (Introduction)
Mabhii anoshandiswa mubumbiro rokunyora ChiShona (Elements of the Shona alphabet)
Nyora netsanangudzo dzacho (List of symbols used in the DRC)
Zvidimbu (Abbreviations)
Mipanda Yemazita (Table of noun classes in Shona)
Rebeso dzedzviito (Table of verbal extensions in Shona
Mazwi akasarudzwa (Headwords selected)
Kwakatsvagwa mazwi (Sources for word colleciton)
Matsanangudzirwo emazwi akasarudzwa (Definition formats)
Mazano okubatsira vanoshandisa duramazvi rino (User instructions)
Zvimwewo zvinoda kucherechedzwa (Other points to take note of)


Tarisa Duramazwi reChiShona (look up the Duramazwi reChiShona)
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Peji yakapedzisira kugadziridzwa 19.11.1999 Oddrun Grønvik (Last updated by ..)