Skilling coins from King Hans to Carl XIV Johan
King Hans (1483-1513) introduced the
Lübeck monetary system in
Norway. The name refers to the powerful Hanseatic town of Lübeck.
The relative values according to the new system were:
Ordinary small-denomination coins from the union with Denmark were in circulation in Norway long after the union was dissolved. Laws of 1839 and 1842 declared that these coins were no longer legal tender in Norway. The famous politician and economist Anton Martin Schweigaard described the situation as follows: An indeterminable quantity of small-denomination coins, spread everywhere, have been granted asylum in our kingdom by a law that recognises all kinds of skilling coins as Norwegian, if only they bear the name of the Danish-Norwegian kings. The law ensures their validity despite the fact that they are rejected by the rest of the world; it gives recognition even to counterfeits.