Olav Kyrres mynthistorie

Olav Kyrre's coinage

Mint site:
Askel, Aslak, Gunnar, Lefric, Levig, Lofrik, Olaf, Svein, Thorbjørn, Ulf Canwi and Ulfkjel
Monetary units:
Edge inscription:

The king's control of the monetary system continued under Olav Kyrre (1067-1093) although the inscriptions on the coins from this period seem to give particular emphasis to the role of the mint-masters.

The coins carry inscriptions such as "Ulfkel made me", "Lefrik's stamp", "Gunnar owns this stamp", "Askel owns this penny". The first of these statements is written in Latin while the remainder are in Old Norse.

The latter two inscriptions are even stamped in the distinctive runic script. The king's name and title, too, are presented in the local language and alphabet that is the runic script Olafr kunukr , Olafr konungr, "Kong Olav".