Electronic Dictionaries

Electronic Dictionaries

The Bokmål Dictionary (Bokmålsordboka)

The Section for Norwegian Lexicography and Dialectology in the Department for Scandinavian Languages and Comparative Literature at the University of Oslo has collaborated with the Norwegian Universities' Documentation Project to offer a simplified version of the most recent edition of the Bokmål Dictionary on the Internet.
IT manager: Christian-Emil Ore

The Nynorsk Dictionary (Nynorskordboka)

The Section for Norwegian Lexicography and Dialectology at the Department of Scandinavian Languages and Comparative Literature at the University of Oslo has collaborated with the Norwegian Universities' Documentation Project with the aim of offering a simplified version of the most recent edition of the Nynorsk Dictionary on the Internet.
IT manager: Christian-Emil Ore

The Lexical Source Manuscript (Grunnmanuskriptet)

Grunnmanuskriptet is an old dictionary manuscript from the 1930s (approximately 13500 typewritten A4 pages). The entries were collected from the dictionaries by Aasen, Ross, Schjøtt, Vidsteen, Torp and others, but the definitions for the entries are all given in Nynorsk. The manuscript was never published as a dictionary, but has provided the basis for the development of the Norwegian Dictionary (Norsk Ordbok). This manuscript has now been recorded as electronic text and marked in a way that enables the reader to find information such as dialects with their location, etymology, quotations and sources.
In charge of project section: Professor Lars Vikør, Section for Norwegian Lexicography and Dialectology in the Department of Scandinavian Languages and Comparative Literature, University of Oslo. Contact person for the Nynorsk project section: Karl Johan Sæth, k.j.sath@dokpro.uio.no
IT manager: Christian-Emil Ore

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Updated 15 June 1998 by Andreas Østby