
Norwegian version

Advanced search in the Diplomatarium Norvegicum

In this version it is possible to search in vol. I-XXIII of the printed edition of the Diplomatarium Norvegicum. The printed edition consists of 23 volumes containing the transcription of approximately 20 000 diplomas connected to Norway in the period 1050 to 1590. The transcriptions were done from 1840 to 1991. Expanded abbreviation are not marked in volumes I-XX and the original hyphenation is ignored. Errors introduced by the type setters are not infrequent. Thus the texts should be used with caution.

Try O. Rygh's series "Norvegian farm names" as an geographic entry to the diplomas.

Search criteria


Information in the printed Diplomatarium:
   Volume:      (arabic numbers 1,2,3,..)
   Page:        (arabic numbers 1,2,3,..)
   Diploma no:    (arabic numbers 1,2,3,..)

Information from the original diploma (sometimes tentativly added by the author): Place of issue: Date of issue: (e.g 7 Mai 1234) From year: to year: (four digits) Source:
Regesta and transcribed text of the diploma Regesta: Text: Additional information (text on the reverse, seal strings and explanations): Logic operator between the last three fields:and or

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The list of results will contain the following fields
synposis of the diploma text (Norv.only)
and be of the form
           The number of diplomas found
           KWIC-concordance (Key Word In Context) with lines from
                 diploma transcripts
                 other information added by the editors
           list of the matching diplomas

and sorted by
           the occurences in the printed edition.
           by place.
           by year.
           alphabetically according to the matching word and the text to the right 
             (this criterium is only meaningful for the KWIC-concordance option).
           by descending number of matches 
             (this criterium is only meaningful when at least one of the fields 'regesta', 'text' or 'addendum' is filled in).

The numbers in the boxes indicate the priority of the search criteria.

Comments, suggestions or errors?

Please, email!

Last updated 02/05/2021 by C.-E. Ore.